Thanks for Showin’ Up

Welcome to Habits for Survival, a blog about fulfilling dangerous duties, living well, living happy, and making a difference. Police officers, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives and teenagers can all find lessons here from the street.  Although we will discuss various aspects of being prepared for the challenges life can throw at us, this is NOT a doomsday prepper blog.  I take a common sense and optimistic view on life.  I believe we see what we look for in the world and reflect the influences of those by whom we choose to be influenced.  So choose wisely!  Choose to be influenced by those with the imagination to dream, the courage to act, and the heart to endure.  This blog is dedicated to those vibrant souls whose light shines as a beacon for others, who help us find our way, and who inspire us to make a difference in our own little place on the planet. If that is you, or if that is who you wish to be, welcome to the journey!

Onward & Upward!


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